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If you've reached El Paso, you've gone about as far west in Texas as you can go. Bordered by New Mexico to the north and Mexico to the south, El Paso is wedged tightly between both. At times it seems to share commonalities with its non-Texan neighbors than it does with the rest of Texas.

Sadly, El Paso and its sister city of Ciudad Juárez, across the river in Mexico, have had a falling out. At one point, the two were inextricably linked, and saw tourists passing freely across the Good Neighbor International Bridge. But with increasing gang- and drug-related violence, Juárez has become so treacherous that traffic between the two has all but stopped.

Outdoorsy types get to enjoy the largest urban park in the US with over 24,000 acres, and the warm climate makes nearby Hueco Tanks ideal for rock climbing.Culture-wise, El Paso has some excellent museums, most of which are free. Take in the panoramas when riding the gondola up to the mountain peak, shop for handcrafted boots and be sure not to miss the city's famous enchiladas.

Very Walkable
Good Transit
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