Learn About This Location

When the sun sets on the Hudson and skyscrapersilluminate the night, New York turns into a grand stage. Actors get to Broadway as world-class soloists, dancers and musicians perform at venues across town. New York takes it all: showy rock shows at Williamsburg dives, haute couture operas at the Lincoln Center, and everything in between. NY is a city of experimental theater, stand-up comedy, ballet, poetry, burlesque, world music, jazz and much more.

The city has become an epicenter of seasonal and locally sourced food – with vegetables growing on roof gardens upstate farms, sourcing meats and seafood from nearby sustainable outfits, and including artisanal everything – from coffee and whiskey to chocolate and cheese. Bars have taken innovation to new heights, with Prohibition-era cocktails served alongside small plates – gastropubs are among the most creative venues to eat these days. Of course, there's also the food-truck scene or  NYC’s 20,000-plus sit-down places.


Walker's Paradise
Rider's Paradise
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