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Learn About This Location

Owasso is a city in Rogers and Tulsa counties in Oklahoma, and a suburb of Tulsa. It was settled in 1881, and incorporated in 1904.

The original settlement began near what is now 66th Street North and North 129th East Ave, and was named after Elm Creek, a tributary of Bird Creek. in the late 19th century, plans were developed for a rail line to extend south to the cattle ranches in the Bird Creek area. At that point there were several homes, a blacksmith shop, and a general store. Preston Ballard, owner of the general store, established a post office in the general store on February 10, 1898 and was appointed the first postmaster. The first gas station opened in 1902.

As Tulsa expanded in the mid 20th century, so did industry in Owasso, which led to further growth. Factories included American Airlines, the Nordam Group, Whirlpool and MCI WorldCom.

Somewhat Walkable
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